When you say "pass the salt," you're likely thinking of table salt, perhaps the most common type of salt which is also known as granulated salt. Other types of salt, like sea salt and kosher salt, consist of larger and more uneven flakes. Table salt is known as granulated salt because it is the most refined version of salt. Granulated salt crystals are more uniform in size and shape. As a result, table salt contains consistently tiny shaped cubes. So the short answer is yes, when a recipe calls for granulated salt, it is referring to table salt.
Overall, granulated salt is all purpose. There really isn't a kitchen application where granulated salt can't be used. Whether it's cooking, pickling, baking, or seasoning, table salt is always a reliable option. Because of its coarse, fine texture, granulated salt is best used when measurements need to be precise, such as baking. Keep in mind, granulated salt doesn't dissolve as well as other salts with flatter, larger crystals, so it might not work well for certain dishes.
Salt can either be iodized or non iodized. Iodized salt looks and tastes the same as it would if it wasn't iodized. The only difference is the addition of potassium iodide, or sodium iodide. Luckily, iodine is essential for your health, and by adding it to salt, you can get more iodine in your diet. This can help regulate thyroid issues, promote a faster metabolism, help with a healthier pregnancy, and more.
Most of the time, the table salt you're accustomed to is already iodized, so there isn't a difference between the two. If you're looking for salt that isn't iodized, make sure to find one that's not. For instance, many popular salt brands, such as Morton's, come both iodized and not iodized. Check the packaging to be sure you're getting the kind you want. Also, other salts like kosher salts are typically not iodized.
The uses of granulated salt are unlimited. We know you can find salt anywhere, but for the most reliable bulk shipments of granulated salt, secure your order from Indiana Sugars. Plus, our salt products are the highest quality available, with no additives.
With us, you'll receive timely shipments from any of our four locations across the country. There's really no competition when it comes to our quality products and service. With us, you receive a century's worth of family-run experience, where we've worked with all kinds of businesses and industries.
Reach out to us today so we can get you started with the right products you need, whether it's granulated salt, water softener salt, or ice melt salt. Browse our
catalog to view all available products.